Fox, Gill
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5210 Original art for Jeanie daily dated 2-17-53 (New York Herald Tribune, 1953) (Item 5210) |
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5208 Original art for Jeanie daily dated 5-2-52 (New York Herald Tribune, 1952) (Item 5208) |
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5212 Original art for Jeanie daily dated 2-19-53 (New York Herald Tribune, 1953) (Item 5212) |
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4216 Original cover art for the "Critic's Choice" program featuring caricatures of the Redding Players (1950-60s) (Item 4216) |
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2115 Original comic art for Feature Comics #57, one page (40) Poison Ivy story. (Quality comics, Oct. 1942) (Item 2115) |
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4219 Original cartoon art for an unknown publication featuring a sleepy business man waiting at a bus stop. (undated) (Item 4219) |
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5396 Original art for Paris Post editorial cartoon captioned, "Pardon me, but you're standing on my future" (1940s) Gill Fox sometimes used the pseudony... |
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5397 Original art for Paris Post editorial cartoon captioned, "The Werewolf Myth" (1940s) Gill Fox sometimes used the pseudonym, Ted. (Item 5397) |
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5392 Original art for Paris Post editorial cartoon captioned, "Out in the Cold Again" (1940s) Gill Fox sometimes used the pseudonym, Ted. (Item 5392) |
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