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Item Artist Medium Category
"Primitive Man" - Original painting for the 1921 calendar. Acquired by us in 1985. Ex Steve Jobs, via Jordan Volpe Gallery. (Item 01081)
Parrish, Maxfield oil painting Paintings, Prints
"A Matter Of Trust" (Harlequin American Romance #6) by Rebecca Flanders. Original paperback book cover art - oil on illustration board (Harlequin, 1983) (Item 3455)
Accornero, Franco oil painting Paintings
"Opium" by Tony Cohan. Original paperback book cover art - oil on illustration board (Pinnacle Books, 1988) (Item 3456)
Accornero, Franco oil painting Paintings
"Partners For Life" by Sharon Brondos. Original paperback book cover art - oil on illustration board (Pageant Books, c1985) (Item 3456)
Accornero, Franco oil painting Paintings
Original paperback book cover art featuring an image of a woman in front of a southwestern motif - oil on illustration board (c1980s) (Item 3458)
Accornero, Franco oil painting Paintings
Original paperback book cover art featuring an image of a man and woman with background woman on phone and boy running from car in foreground - oil on Clayboard (c1980s) (Item 3459)
Accornero, Franco oil painting Paintings
Cubist image - that appears to be a portrait of the artist wearing the familiar jester hat which appears in many of his images - by Expressionist artist Zygmunt Mazur (Poland, Lebanon, North America 1922-2001)Zygmunt Mazur began his lifelong pursuit of art as soon as he was old enough to “draw ar...
Mazur, Zygmunt oil painting Paintings
"The Sierra Nevadas" oil on canvas - undated (Item 12999)
Wood, Robert William oil painting Paintings
"Sunset Over the Marsh" oil on canvas - circa 1876-82. The salt marshes of the northeastern United States were of little interest to American landscape painters before Martin Johnson Heade started exploring them intensively during the 1860's. It wasn't that marshes had been intentionally avoided....
Heade, Martin Johnson oil painting Paintings
Original cover art for "Welcome to Vietnam, Macho Man" (Bantam Books, 1989) (Item 01194)
Assael, Steven James oil painting Paintings
Original cover art for "Conspiracy of Brothers" (Seal Books, 1989) (Item 3632)
Assael, Steve James oil painting Paintings
"Dhiammara" original cover art for the last book in the Aurian saga (Bantam Books, 1997 (Item 14362)
Assael, Steven James oil painting Paintings
"Liz" (reverse side of s117) (Item s117_2)
Crumb, Robert pen Misc
"In the Election Booth" - montage of images (reverse side of s117_2) (Item s117)
Crumb, Robert pen and ink Misc
Back cover art to Note Sept. 5, 1959 - Robert and Charles Crumb collaborated on many of these "Notes" as is the case with this one. (Item s043)
Unknown pencil Comic Art, Misc
Back cover art to Note Sept. 5, 1959 - Robert and Charles Crumb collaborated on many of these "Notes" as is the case with this one. (Item s043)
Unknown pencil Comic Art, Misc
A montage of images on this page from Crumb's "sketch books" including a woman sitting in chair with a man (Robert Crumb ?) in a bottle (reverse side of s047_2) (Item s047)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
A montage of images on this page from Crumb's "sketch books" including a woman sitting in chair with a man (Robert Crumb ?) in a bottle (reverse side of s047_2) (Item s047)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
office maze (reverse side of s047) (Item s047_2)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
office maze (reverse side of s047) (Item s047_2)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
Image of a man dressed in colonial American attire (reverse side of s049_2) (Item s049)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
Image of a man dressed in colonial American attire (reverse side of s049_2) (Item s049)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
School notes with image of 3 men (reverse side of s049) (Item s049_2)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
School notes with image of 3 men (reverse side of s049) (Item s049_2)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
man in office maze (reverse side of s053_2) (Item s053)
Crumb, Robert pencil Comic Art, Misc
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