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Item Artist Medium Category
Blackstone #1 (EC, Fall 1947) CGC FN/VF 7.0 off-white pages. (Eccomic) (Item blackstone001)
Blackstone unknown Comic Books
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders #3 (Magazine Enterprises, September-October 1950) Mile High pedigree CGC NM+ 9.6 off-white to white pages. (Item bobbybenson003)
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders unknown Comic Books
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders #5 (Magazine Enterprises, January-February 1951) Mile High pedigree CGC NM/MT 9.8 white pages. (Item bobbybenson005)
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders unknown Comic Books
Buck Rogers #2 (Eastern Color, July 1941) Mile High pedigree CGC NM/MT 9.8 white pages. (Item buckrogers002)
Buck Rogers superhero Comic Books
Buck Rogers #3 (Eastern Color, December 1941) Mile High pedigree CGC NM+ 9.6 white pages. (Item buckrogers003)
Buck Rogers superhero Comic Books
Buck Rogers #4 (Eastern Color, 1942) Mile High pedigree CGC NM+ 9.6 off-white to white pages. (Item buckrogers004)
Buck Rogers superhero Comic Books
Buck Rogers #5 (Eastern Color, 1943) Mile High pedigree CGC NM+ 9.6 off-white to white pages. (Item buckrogers005)
Buck Rogers superhero Comic Books
Buck Rogers #6 (Eastern Color, September 1943) Mile High pedigree CGC NM 9.4 off-white to white pages. (Item buckrogers006)
Buck Rogers superhero Comic Books
Buster Crabbe #2 (Famous Funnies, January 1952) Mile High pedigree CGC NM- 9.2 white pages. (Item bustercrabbe002)
Buster Crabbe unknown Comic Books
Buster Crabbe #4 (Lev Gleason Publications, June 1954) Bethlehem pedigree CGC NM 9.4 off-white pages. (Item bustercrabbe004)
Buster Crabbe unknown Comic Books
Buster Crabbe #5 (Famous Funnies, July 1952) Mile High pedigree CGC NM 9.4 white pages. (Item bustercrabbe005)
Buster Crabbe unknown Comic Books
Century of Comics #nn (Eastern Color, 1933) CGC FN/VF 7.0 cream to off-white pages. (Item centuryofcomics001)
Century of Comics misc Comic Books
Chamber of Chills #21 (#1) (Harvey Publications, June 1951) File Copy CGC VF/NM 9.0 cream to off-white pages. (Item chamberofchills001)
Chamber of Chills unknown Comic Books
Choate, Rufus
misc 7.75" x 10"
The Church that was Built with Bread #nn (EC, 1948) CGC VF 8.0 cream to off-white pages. (Eccomic) (Item churchthatwasbuiltwithbread001)
Church that was Built with Bread misc Comic Books
Classics Illustrated #78 "Joan of Arc" (Gilberton, December 1950) CGC FN- 5.5 off-white to white pages. Double Cover. (Item classicsillustrated078)
Classics Illustrated misc Comic Books
The Comet Vol. 1 No. 1 (May 1930). This 10 single sided page document is considered the very first fanzine. It was produced by Raymond A. Palmer and Walter Dennis for the "Science Correspondence Club". Also pictured is the 1935 Science Fiction Bibliography, which indicates this document as the fi...
The Comet Fanzine Comic Books
Comic Cavalcade Giveaway #nn "Carl Akeley, He Brought Us Africa" (DC, 1946) CGC FN 6.0 cream to off-white pages. This story was also reprinted in EC's Land of the Lost #2 during the same year. (Item comiccavalcadecarlakeley)
Comic Cavalcade Giveaway misc Comic Books
Comic Cavalcade Giveaway #nn "One Hundred Years of Co-operation" (DC, 1944) CGC VF- 7.5 off-white pages. (Item comiccavalcadecoop)
Comic Cavalcade Giveaway misc Comic Books
Comic Cavalcade Giveaway #nn "Heroes in Dungarees" (DC, 1944) CGC FN+ 6.5 cream to off-white pages. (Item comiccavalcadeheroes)
Comic Cavalcade Giveaway misc Comic Books
Creepy 1993 Fearbook #1 (Harris, 1993) CGC NM/MT 9.8 white pages. (Item creepy1993fearbook001)
Creepy 1993 Fearbook unknown Comic Books
Crime Patrol #7 (EC, Summer 1948) CGC NM- 9.2 cream to off-white pages. (Eccomic) (Item crimepatrol007)
Crime Patrol unknown Comic Books
Crime Patrol #8 (EC, Fall 1948) "D" Copy CGC VF/NM 9.0 off-white pages. (Eccomic) (Item crimepatrol008)
Crime Patrol unknown Comic Books
Crime Patrol #8 (EC, Fall 1948) CGC VF+ 8.5 cream to off-white pages. Canadian Edition. (Eccomic) (Item crimepatrol008b)
Crime Patrol unknown Comic Books
Crime Patrol #9 (EC, Winter 1948) CGC FN+ 6.5 cream to off-white pages. (Eccomic) (Item crimepatrol009)
Crime Patrol unknown Comic Books
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