
The variety of pieces represented by this collection of art is even more apparent in this "Miscellaneous" section. "Spool Art" by Robert Crumb, animation production art from the early days at Disney Studios, and religious themed drawings by Simon Bisley, which prove that he is an artistic force of the highest order, are some of the highlights.

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Item Artist Medium Category
Washington quarter reverse coin design plaster cast. (Item 00921)
Fraser, James Earle plaster Sculpture, Misc
Thing Merry Marvel Marching Society sweatshirt (Marvel, 1966) One of only two sweatshirts produced by Marvel at an original price of $3.15 each. Prist...
MMMS sweatshirt Comic Books, Misc
Incredible Hulk Merry Marvel Marching Society sweatshirt (Marvel, 1966) One of only two sweatshirts produced by Marvel at an original price of $3.15 e...
MMMS sweatshirt Comic Books, Misc
Lincoln nickel obverse coin design plaster cast. (Item 00905)
Fraser, James Earle plaster Sculpture, Misc
Washington quarter obverse coin design plaster cast. (Item 00903)
Fraser, James Earle plaster Sculpture, Misc
Pan American Exposition coin with Augustus Saint Gaudens profile bust - "Special Medal of Honor Created for Augustus Saint Gaudens". This piece is att...
Fraser, James Earle plaster Sculpture, Misc
Hankyventures - front cover (Hermann Handkerchief Company, 1939) The book is bound with a colored cord and features interior color pictures/poems of s...
Hankyventures childrens book Misc
Hankyventures - first and second interior pages (Hermann Handkerchief Company, 1939) The book is bound with a colored cord and features interior color...
Hankyventures childrens book Misc
Hankyventures - third and fourth interior pages (Hermann Handkerchief Company, 1939) The book is bound with a colored cord and features interior color...
Hankyventures childrens book Misc
Hankyventures - fifth and sixth interior pages (Hermann Handkerchief Company, 1939) The book is bound with a colored cord and features interior color ...
Hankyventures childrens book Misc
Hankyventures - back cover (Hermann Handkerchief Company, 1939) The book is bound with a colored cord and features interior color pictures/poems of si...
Hankyventures childrens book Misc
Harvey - front view (see 00868 through 00868_4 to view other sides of Harvey spool) (Item 00868)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
Harvey - back view (see 00868 through 00868_4 to view other sides of Harvey spool) (Item 00868_2)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
Harvey - left side view (see 00868 through 00868_4 to view other sides of Harvey spool) (Item 00868_3)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
Harvey - right side view (see 00868 through 00868_4 to view other sides of Harvey spool) (Item 00868_4)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
Snear Face Bon Bon - front view (see 00867 through 00867_5 to view other sides of Snear Face Bon Bon spool) (Item 00867)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
Snear Face Bon Bon - back view (see 00867 through 00867_5 to view other sides of Snear Face Bon Bon spool) (Item 00867_2)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
Snear Face Bon Bon - left side view (see 00867 through 00867_5 to view other sides of Snear Face Bon Bon spool) (Item 00867_3)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
Snear Face Bon Bon - right side view (see 00867 through 00867_5 to view other sides of Snear Face Bon Bon spool) (Item 00867_4)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
Snear Face Bon Bon - top view (see 00867 through 00867_5 to view other sides of Snear Face Bon Bon spool) (Item 00867_5)
Crumb, Robert spool art Misc
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