
The variety of pieces represented by this collection of art is even more apparent in this "Miscellaneous" section. "Spool Art" by Robert Crumb, animation production art from the early days at Disney Studios, and religious themed drawings by Simon Bisley, which prove that he is an artistic force of the highest order, are some of the highlights.

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Item Artist Medium Category
Horace Greeley: An Amazing Large 1872 Campaign Ferrotype. The huge quarter-sized tintype surface is remarkably free of blemishes, even under magnifica...
Greeley, Horace ferrotype Misc
Horace Greeley: An Amazing Large 1872 Campaign Ferrotype. The huge quarter-sized tintype surface is remarkably free of blemishes, even under magnifica...
Greeley, Horace ferrotype Misc
Ulysses S.Grant & Schuyler Colfax: 1" jugate with looped border and pin attachment. The ferrotype is in pristine condition with no defects whatsoever....
Grant. Ulysses S. ferrotype Misc
Ulysses S.Grant & Schuyler Colfax: 1" jugate with looped border and pin attachment. The ferrotype is in pristine condition with no defects whatsoever....
Grant. Ulysses S. ferrotype Misc
The Parlour/The Cellar; Over-head/Under-foot - a "first proof" for the 1842 annual edition of the Comic Almanack with title notations believed to be i...
Cruikshank, George proof Comic Art, Misc
Before and After Dinner; Going/Gone - a "first proof" for the 1842 annual edition of the Comic Almanack with title notations believed to be in the art...
Cruikshank, George proof Comic Art, Misc
Images of a "dandy" and a snow expedition - a "first proof" for the 1842 annual edition of the Comic Almanack (see 30634 through 30634_3 to view other...
Cruikshank, George proof Comic Art, Misc
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