Photo Number:
4" tall  
German miniature urn with pate sur pate "cameo" image of nude female. Pate sur Pate, literally ‘paste on paste’ is the building up of a picture or design on a piece of porcelain by the careful application of layers of hand painted slip ( liquid porcelain clay the consistency of thick cream ). That is a very simplistic description for what is possibly the most skilful, time consuming and costly of all ceramic decoration processes. To produce a Pate sur Pate decoration a thin layer of white, or light coloured, porcelain slip is applied to a darker unfired ground layer will achieve a degree of translucency when the piece goes through the firing kiln. Successive layers applied prior to the firing will retain that translucency to a lesser degree until finally, when enough layers have been applied, the translucency will be all but lost. An artist, skilled in pate sur Pate work, and there were never that many of them, can take this simple truth and by manipulating the layers produce a unique work of art of incredible beauty. (Item 3208)  
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